

 「沖縄戦」検定意見の撤回を求める会A meeting in search of the withdrawal of the "Okinawa round" official approval opinion
 12月3日午後6時から、沖縄戦教科書検定意見撤回を求める全国集会(主催・東京県人会、大江・岩波沖縄戦裁判を支援し沖縄の真実を広める首都圏の会)が、東京都千代田区の九段会館で開かれた。 A national meeting (the meeting of the metropolitan area I support sponsorship / Tokyo association of people originating from the same prefecture, an Oe / Iwanami Okinawa round trial, and to spread the truth of Okinawa) to demand Okinawa round textbook screening opinion withdrawal was opened in nine steps of halls of Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo from 6:00 p.m. on December 3.  初めに日本ビジュアル・ジャーナリスト協会(JVJA)の協力による『写真家がとらえた沖縄』というスライド上映から始まった。 Firstly it began from the slide screening called "Okinawa that a photographer caught" by the cooperation of association of Japanese visual journalist (JVJA).  主催者挨拶は、東京沖縄県人会の川平朝清さん。 The sponsor greetings are Chosei Kabira of the Okinawa, Tokyo association of people originating from the same prefecture.
沖縄戦体験者からの報告The report from an Okinawa round experient
 金城重明(きんじょう・しげあき 沖縄キリスト教短期大学名誉教授)さんから、聴くにも重い話しが語られた。 A heavy story was recited by Shigeaki Kinjo (I seem to have it , space Okinawa Christianity junior college honorary professor) to listen.

金城重明沖縄キリスト教短期大学名誉教授Shigeaki Kinjo Okinawa Christianity junior college honorary professor
 「私は、1945年3月28日、渡嘉敷島で、『強制された集団死』(いわゆる集団自決)から九死に一生を得た。沖縄戦の生き地獄というべき最も悲劇的「集団死」は、慶良間諸島の渡嘉敷・座間味・慶良間の3つの島々で起こった。 "I had narrow escape from death from "forced group death" (so-called group self-determination) in Tokashiki Island on March 28, 1945". I had the most tragic "group death" that I should have called hell on earth of Okinawa round in three islands of Tokashiki / Zamami / Kerama of Kerama-shoto Islands.  渡嘉敷島では、米軍上陸の1週間前に、日本軍が(当時は皇軍、友軍、32軍と呼んでいた)、20名近くの男子(村の職員と青年)に、手榴弾を1人2個ずつ配った。 In Tokashiki Island, as for two one, the Japanese armed forces distributed a grenade to (I called it Imperial Army, friendly forces, 32 force), a boy (the staff and the young man of the village) nearly 20 one week of the United States Armed Forces landing ago.
 そのとき、軍は、『最初の1個は敵軍と遭遇したときに投げ込み、残る1個で自決しろ』と命令したのである。 The armed forces ordered you then when they "threw in first one when they met with an enemy force and committed suicide in left one".
 これは村民に対しての「集団死」命令の第1声であり、決して、1部の男性に限定された命令ではなかった。島民たちは、3月27日に米軍が上陸、俄か作りの軍の陣地近くに移動させられる。住民は、軍に守ってもらえるという安堵感はなく、軍とともに最期をとげるときが来たという恐怖と緊迫感に包まれた。 This was the first voice of the "group death" order for the villager, and it was not one part of order that male, was limited by any means. The United States Armed Forces go ashore on March 27, and the islanders are moved in the position neighborhood of the makeshift armed forces. There was not the sense of relief to have the armed forces protect it, and the inhabitants were wrapped in fear and the sense of oppression that time to accomplish last moments with the armed forces came to. 
  翌日、村長は軍の命令を待っていた。軍との連絡は、防衛隊がつとめていた。軍から命令があったと聞かされたとき、何度も確認したそうだ。村長の『天皇陛下万歳』三唱。それが合図だった。 The village mayor waited for the order of the armed forces the next day. Defense corps acted as the communication with the armed forces. When there was an order from the armed forces, I seem to have confirmed it many times when it was told. The "long live our His Majesty the Emperor" three cheers of the village mayor. It was a signal.
 渡された手榴弾が足りなかった、手りゅう弾の不発などで、身内の殺し合いが始まった悲劇『愛情の深さは殺害の徹底』を表していた。家長である父親の手で、父親がいないところでは祖父が、そして長男が。それが集団自決だった。 "The depth of the love expressed thorough killing" the tragedy which began the killing each other of the relative by the misfire of the grenade that a handed grenade was not enough. By a hand of father who is a husband, there is not going to be father; a grandfather and the eldest son. It was group self-determination.
 自分も兄と共に母親、弟妹に手を掛けた。混乱の中で死への恐怖でなく、生、生き残ったらどうしよう、大変なことになるという生への恐怖が襲った。鬼畜米英という敵愾心は、日本軍への 恐怖に変わり、身内に向けられ悲劇は起こった。 Oneself put its hand on mother, younger brothers and sisters with an older brother, too. Life, fear to the life to be to be serious that I would do how if I survived attacked it not fear to the death in confusion. The hostility called the brutal person U.S. and Britain turned into fear to the Japanese armed forces, and it was turned to the relative, and the tragedy was generated.
 集団自決を美化する人たちがいる、沖縄戦で死んだ人たちの忠魂碑を立てる人たちがいる、しかし私たちが「平和の礎」に刻んだのは、名前だけです。事実を、ありのままに伝えることが大切です。軍命をめぐり2つの論があるから、教科書から記述を抹消するというのはへりくつだ。歴史の真実を明記すべきだ」 (以上、金城氏) There are people putting up a loyal soul monument of dead people by Okinawa round where there are people idealizing group self-determination, but it is only a name that we ticked away in "a foundation of the peace". It is important to convey a fact plainly. Because there are two ideas over armed forces life, it decreases, and it is shoes that cross a description from a textbook. You should specify the truth of the history(Above, Kinjo)  次に琉球大学の高嶋伸欣教授から、高校教科書検定後の沖縄の取り組み、大江・岩波裁判への取り組み、検定意見撤回の動きに呼応してこの集会の主催者(首都圏の会)の姉妹版を沖縄にもつくったことが報告された。 That it agreed with an action of Okinawa after the senior high school textbook screening, an action to Oe / the Iwanami trial, movement of the official approval opinion withdrawal and made the sisters version of the sponsor (the meeting of the metropolitan area) of this meeting in Okinawa was reported next by Professor Nobuyoshi Takashima of the University of Ryukyu.  
  自著を引用した教科書のコラムに、1991年度、検定意見が付き、その後4年にわたる活動の結果、事実上の撤回を勝ち得た埼玉大学の暉峻(てるおか)淑子名誉教授は、自身の経験から、 A Teruoka (Teruo) Yoshiko honorary professor of Saitama University which giving advice stuck to the column of the textbook which quoted one's own book official approval in 1991, and won virtual withdrawal as a result of activity for further 4 years from the experience of own,
 「同じことは、何度も起こっている。文科省は、国は悪いことをしないと、子どもたちに教えたいだけだ」 "The same thing happens many times". When the country does not do bad things, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology wants to show children it
と政府を批判した。さらに、自身の活動成果から、I criticized the government. Furthermore, from the activity result of own,
 「今回の問題で、これだけの人々が声を上げることには希望がある。後ろに下がらない行動をするのが大事だ」 There "is hope in all these people raising a voice by this problem". It is important to do the action that does not fall behind
と述べ、訴え続けることの重要性を唱えた。I spoke and advocated the importance of continuing appealing.  
 一方、「高校日本史教科書」執筆者の坂本昇高校教諭は、こう語った。 On the other hand, Noboru Sakamoto Senior High School teacher of the "senior high school Japanese history textbook" writer talked in this way.
 「訂正申請の結論は、12月10日すぎになるとの情報を聞いている。10月に訂正申請案をマスコミに公表した後、右翼から抗議のファクスが届いたり、高校に嫌がらせの電話があったが、逆に沖縄から手紙をもらい励まされた。高校生にはより良い教科書を届けたい」 "The conclusion of the correction application hears information that it is past December 10". Fax of the protest arrived from the right wing after having announced a correction application plan in the mass communication in October, and there was a harassing telephone in the senior high school, but I took a letter from Okinawa adversely, and I was encouraged. I want to send a better textbook to the high school student
 早稲田大学教授で憲法学者の水島朝穂さんからは、検定意見撤回の声を絶え間なくあげていくことと、サイパンや沖縄戦における旧軍の住民の取り扱いについての研究が、自衛隊の手でなされていることが報告された。 A study about the handling of the inhabitants of the former armed forces in Saipan and Okinawa round was the hand of the Self-Defense Force, and what was done was reported that I put up a voice of the official approval opinion withdrawal from Asaho Mizushima of the constitutionalist with Waseda University professor without cease. 
 「『軍隊は住民を守らない』ということを、伝えたくない人たちがいる。ドイツでは、基本法(憲法)に添った教育がなされているか、教科書が基本法に添っているかがチェックされている。日本も日本国憲法第9条に合致した教育がなされているのかを、文科省に質していかなければならない。検定制度の運用の適法性、検定意見の適法性、また検定制度の不備を正していくのと平行して、検定制度そのものの違憲性が問われなければならない」(水島氏) There "are the people who do not want to convey" that "the armed forces do not protect inhabitants". It is checked whether a textbook complies with a fundamental law whether the education that complied with a fundamental law (a constitution) is accomplished in Germany. Japan must ask Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology about whether education equal to Constitution of Japan Article 9 is accomplished. In parallel with legality of the use of the official approval system, legality of the official approval opinion, straightening the deficiency of the official approval system again, unconstitutionality of the official approval system itself must be asked(Mizushima)   
 最後に、「子どもと教科書全国ネット21」の事務局長俵さんから、 Finally from "child and secretary general Tawara of textbook nationwide net 21 ,"
 「文科省検定では過去に間違いがあり、訂正されてきたことがあったこと、間違った検定がなされたときの是正方法を講じて来なかった、いわゆる立法不作為が、文科省にあったことを追求し、検定が間違ったときの是正方法の確立に向けての要求もしていく」 I "pursue that there was so-called legislation inaction that there is a mistake by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology official approval in the past and did not take a correction method when it having been corrected, wrong official approval were done for in Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and do the demand for the establishment of the correction method when official approval was wrong"
 「文科相に検定意見撤回、誤った検定がなされた経過と責任の所在、沖縄条項の追加、検定制度のあらゆる面の抜本的改善措置をとることなどの要請書を提出する」 I "examine it and give advice to a department of humanities aspect and withdraw it and submit the written acceptance such as taking progress and who is responsible, the addition of the Okinawa article, the radical improvement step of every aspect of the official approval system that wrong official approval was accomplished required"
ことが確認された。A thing was confirmed.
 会場には約1000人が集まり、検定意見撤回や訂正申請の承認、沖縄条項の追加などを求めるアピールを採択した。 About 1,000 gathered in the meeting place and adopted an appeal to demand official approval opinion withdrawal and approval of the correction application, the addition of the Okinawa article.

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