Hibiya worker international unity total pep rally on November 1
Let's gather in the Hibiya outdoors music plaza on workers in all parts of the world and Sunday, November 1 this year.
Let's unite by the worker in the world, and concentrate aiming at the establishment of the fifth international center for the worker. We call. It rolls on in a financial recession unprecedented and the road to the financial panic and to escape from there, the falling capitalism requests the means of escape from the war.
We workers ask to concentrate on Japan to the worker in all parts of the world here aiming at the establishment of the fifth international center for the worker in all parts of the world to refuse the war cooperation, to part to the financial capitalism, and to establish labor rights. It gathers in the outdoors music plaza in Tokyo Hibiya Park on November 1 the worker in all parts of the world.
Time when the worker transcended national borders and international united came. Let's unite, establish the fifth international, and fight against the monopolistic capital and the imperialism nation.
11月1日 日比谷労働者国際連帯決起集会
全世界の労働者よ、11月1日東京日比谷公園の野外音楽広場に集まろう。労働者が、国境を越えて国際連帯するときが来た。 そして連帯し団結して第5インターナショナル確立に向けて帝国主義国家、資本と闘おう!
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